The best gift anyone can give is to love and to act on that love. There are a lot of things we can do to show others how much we love them.
Now comes the fun part... I am offering anyone THEIR CHOICE of ONE of my 300+ designs (or a set, not a grouping) for FREE on one day only... my birthday FEB. 12th. There is a catch though... in order to get the pattern/set YOU MUST POST WHAT YOU WOULD DO TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE.
It can be anything that YOU could do or something you wish you could do. It can be something for a specific person or for a group. It can be something you could/wish you could do for the environment or for those living in your own home. Be creative and the universe is the limit :)
I want you to really think about what and how you could make it happen. Then all you need to do is post it here in the comment section. Then drop me a line to let me know where to send your 'gift'. :)
I think this is going to be the very BEST BIRTHDAY I HAVE EVER HAD!!!! I hope you will join in the party!!!! DO NOT POST UNTIL FEB 12th. :) I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Just click on the word COMMENTS below and then put your idea in the comment box. You can also read what others left by clicking on the same comment link :)
God Bless,
Well Sue that was not a hard thing for me to think about. The one thing that I would do if I could ( and I know the power of pray works) would be to completely heal my Pastor's son from cancer. This is a very personal thing for me, because I lost my daughter to cancer when she was 11 years old, and their son is only 14. If I could I would heal him and all from this horrible disease, as it takes our loved ones from us way to early. Mitch is a wonderful young man, and has so much to offer life, and I would love to see him free of this horrible disease! His family has been so strong and faithfull, and I would love to see this be a victorious event!! So for me, to heal Mitch from cancer so he can follow in his Dad's footsteps, as we need all the people we can to pass on the Lords work!!
What a very wonderful and sweet thing to do!
What a thoughtful person you are Sue.
I hope someone reminds us to come back on the 12th.
The idea falls right in line with Random Acts of Kindness week which is also in February.
As is my birthday!
Happy Birthday Sue.
Oh Sue, what a WONDERFUL idea, and gift to the world YOU are...I'll be sure to be back on the 12th to post my idea....
God bless you!
Hi Sue, I know this is early I want to wish you a Early Happy Birtday to you.
And say thanks for all what you have done.
What a great and generous idea!! I already have my idea in mind and will put a reminder on my calendar!
P.S. Fifty is nifty!! been there!;>)
Hi Sue
Happy Birthday and what a neat thing to do for your special day.
I would like to end child hunger, and am doing what I can with my daughters girl scout troop( I am a co-leader) by bring in canned goods to every meeting then someone volunteeres to take the cans over to second harvest.
My idea: to make everyone on earth literate. I believe that iteracy is the key to growth --
How do I try to make this happen? I'm a librarian...
This is a lovely idea!
Happy "early" birthday! What a wonderful thought for you to have on your special day as well! Well, first my brain thought "world peace" but that is truly dreaming. I volunteer for many organizations and send support for others.
My thought would be to end child abuse..both verbal/physical and sexual. Every child should have a home to feel safe and protected in that is full of love.
sorry i posted but will try and get on the pc on the 12th as well and re-post then!
A wonderful idea and very generous of you!!
What a generous and wonderful idea! I'll be back on the 12th - which was my parents' wedding anniversary - they would have been married 53 years, if they were still alive.
I have to say that I wish I could rid the world of cancer. I have lost so many people to it, including my Mother, and know so many people that have lost loved ones.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!!!! MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU!!!! I would like to be a good Christian mom to my children and raise them to understand who God is so they will be able in internalize this and then go forth and tell others of Jesus' love and how He died for all of them. My oldest son right now is working with YOUNG people at our local jail and my prayer would be that he would be able to help these young people see that Jesus IS their HOPE and SALVATION.
Happy Birthday, Sue! It's a wonderful idea that you have come up with.
To make the world a better place , I hope that people can be more compassionate and giving.
I am not able to provide much of help financially but I try to make a group of crocheted items every month for the homeless children in India . I don't know how much of a difference this can make but I'm doing it! I have been for the last 8 months and intend to continue. I don't know if this can make the world a better place but it does warm up the little ones and I have managed to get a few others too join my project.
Happy Birthday Sue... Just lost my husband last week..Parkinson..I would like to see a pain free world... No more bad health problems and... Pease in all of the world.
Maybe I can't physically change the world,but I can P.U.S.H. I can share my P.U.S.H.es with prayer cloths,quilts, and shawls as visable symbols.Happy Birthday and good luck on your plan to move back to Hawaii!
Sue, At this time I am 4 yr 9 months cancer free. I went through 3 years of chemo and 5 surgeries to kill this cancer. I saw how death in the face, and did not know it until my doctor told me that I was as close to death as I could get. Others I know did not make it. My sister for one. We both had the same cancer, found at the same time. She lost the will to fight. My wish would be to rid the world of cancer.
And happy 50. It is just a number.I can say that as I passed 50 4 years ago.
Hi Sue,
First, Happy Birthday!
I have two ideas for this one:
First, my daughter is 3 1/2 and I'm trying to teach her kindness, generosity, etc. So, this Christmas I'm hoping to have her pick some of her numerous stuffed animals to donate to children in the hospital.
Second, I have always wanted to make baby hats for our neonatal unit.
Take care!
Hi Sue,
first Happy Birthday to you and many more.
I would like to see cancer gone.
My sister, friend and dad has cancer and it is sad to see what happens in their life.
They try to be brave for everyone.
and hide there pain from everyone too.
I no they are hurting but they don't want anyone to feel sorry for them.
I hope some day there is a cure for this so no one else has to have pain or sadness for it.
I wish i could blink it away.
Hi, Sue! Wonderful idea :) I am knitting IV covers for the hospital where my husband has surgery next month. They are a little thing but nicer to look at than the needle in the back of the hand. They are basically short fingerless mitts so easy to make.
Happy Birthday Sue
I wrote one comment on fri, but I would also like to make people more aware of mental health problems and letting them know that it doesn't always mean that the person is crazy.
I've been thinking about what to say since you first offered this birthday gift. After reading the comments already left, I have decided to make a strong effort to spend time each day for the next 365 days, praying for a cure for all forms of cancer. This is my way of celebrating the birthdays of all cancer survivors. We know prayer works and we know we MUST find a cure for this insidious disease. Thank you, Sue, for your most generous birthday gift to us!!!
Happy Birthday!!
How would I make the world a better place? Teach everyone to knit, of course!!
Happy birthday Sue! What a great idea. My way of changing the world if I could would be to make sure all the children had health coverage and the parents of those children with devastating illnesses would not have to worry about the medical bills that come along with the kids being sick. I also wish we would all be able to live in peace.
Cheryl from Hookstown
Happy Birthday Sue -
I would wish for consideration to all. Treat others as you would have them treat you.
I would wish for a pain free world.
Thank you.
Dear Sue, I am a nurse in a large hospital. The hospitals in our area did a survey of the diagnoses(plural) that we have seen in the last 5 years. 56%! of the patients we have seen in the last 5 years have been in because of smoking- related illnesses. Now I used to smoke myself and I know how hard it is to quit but if we could come up with a way to get people to quit smoking it would be a great step for this country and the world. I truly believe that this is a health crisis. So many diseases can be directly linked to smoking or second-hand smoke. COPD, Cancer, Heart Disease, just to name a few. Your friend, Debbie in Wizard Wells
Today is my birthday too...I think the best thing anyone can do is to follow the the golden rule...I have done this all my life and feel it has added to the happiness of everyone I come into contact with and has made my life very happy..My motto is to "Just be nice"..
Hi Sue,
What a wonderful, generous lady you are! My first thought, if the world was my oyster, so to speak, would be to distribute food and clean water equally throughout the world, to put an end to hunger. Closer to home, I am trying to spend this year beating my own depression, so my own little ones have their proper Mummy back! I have been suffering for the last 3 years, following two stillbirths - and yes, I do know how lucky I am to have three healthy, happy daughters!
God bless you on your birthday Sue, and many happy returns of the day.
First of all a very HAppy Birthday! What a milestone it is. If everyone said a prayer to help someone every day it would only take a couple of minutes. How great would that be, God would be so busy the angels would have to have new wings. As Joyce Meyers says we need to stop with the Stinking Thinking, think about how blessed we are and pray for those less fortunate.
I have to say I have everyone of your patterns and I love love love them.
The only thing I can think of to change the world is to change my own attitude - instead of getting ticked if people do something selfish or annoying, to say a little prayer for them and their lives.
Blessings and Happy 50th Sue
If I could, I would take in the dogs that do not yet have homes that were displaced during Katrina. I know everyone isn't a dog person, but this is what I would do.
What a wonderfully generous thing for you to do, on your birthday!
Well... I believe we can make the world better by doing little things - just sitting there wishing for world peace won't do a thing, we need to really get involved in our own way. I live out in the countryside in New Brunswick, Canada, and have found that even here life is more hectic by the day and people forget to take time to simply BE or help their neighbours, spend time together as a family, teach their children basic values and skills.
So... I do a lot of volunteer work and in order to bring some of this back, I have been spending an entire afternoon every week showing the grade four students at the school (my daughter's grade) how to knit. I am amazed to see how quickly and easily most of them picked this up and especially how they've expressed an interest in continuing once the workshop is over - asking where they can purchase needles and yarn, etc... Through it all, they've learned the true value of helping each other out, shared an afternoon actually creating something beautiful together and discovered a new skill.
I feel that in a small way, I am helping make the world a better place by showing these kids that they can all do something with their own hands, they have talent and can learn something new that will stay with them their whole lives.
Well... there's my 2 cents...
NB, Canada
as a person with cancer i would cure the world of all deadly diseases and most of all i would like to have world peace
oh by the way HAPPY B_DAY
as a person with cancer i would cure the world of disease and also like to have world peace..
Sue! aren't the 50's the berries??? it's a good time in our lives.
In my small part of the world, I help with the Chemistry part of a science event at school, and I love clarifying/inspiring/caring about the young kids (6th grade and up) so they can know that there are many options for them in life. My volunteering adds to the list of people in their Village - who care for them, teach them, watch out for them - another person available to them when the decisions get tougher.
I've noticed the number of girls participating has measurably increased in the events I coach...this makes me smile.
What I do to make the world better is to try to lead by example. It's one thing to talk about what you would like or want to do another thing to do it.
What a great Idea!
Happy Birthday Sue!!
I Love all the idea's of helping with health issues! I worry about our world also.I think there is a great need to save our wildlife.The numbers are declining and I want my kids(they are 3 and 7) and there kids to have the animals around . So I think it is also an environmental issue too.
First of all Happy Birthday...It is a wonderful for it is also my Anniversary...My DH and I have been married 42 years!
There are many things I thought of..
A small thing would be to give my co-workers a small gift (possibly knitted) to say I care....
But the one I really would like to do would be to stop to violence & abuse against children and to let the children know that God has created them and they are special and loved.
Thanks for this wonderful gift you are giving to others.
God Bless
Bonnie from NH
If I could do one thing to change the world it would be to end all VIOLENCE. Person to person, nation to nation. Stop it all and make the world a safe place for all of the creatures who inhabit this earth!
Happy Birthday!
What a wonderful idea. To make the world a better place I would put an end to abuse of all kinds - domestic, child, animal, etc!
Happy Birthday Sue. What a wonderfull way to celebrate. I am teaching my grandaughters the gift of giving. We have a place called The Willow Tree Mission not far from here. They take donations of clothes, shoes, household items. Everything sells for 25 cents. Yes 25 cents. At least once a month we go through toys & clothes to see what we can donate.
I'm a freelance writer/photographer, and I just joined a group whose members donate their professional services to animal shelters and animal welfare organizations.
Happy Birthday. I think to change many of the things that people aleady posted are great but I THINK the main thing that everyone must do is to protect our earth by recycling and being aware of all the polution and for ourselves all the man made preservatives just can't be good for us. grow a garden even in pots(containers) and recycle and compost. stop the polutions.
I would love for there to be a cure for just plain old simple hate, if people would just listen before responding half of all the bad things going on in this World would never happen, thereby making it easier to find cures to every disease and bring happiness to all!
Happy birthday, Sue.
I would like the world to work together to get rid of bad things in this world that could harm people.
I am reposting my world wish as i was a dork the other day! Smile
I hope you have a fabulous 50-something birthday!!
Well, first my brain thought "world peace" but that is truly dreaming. I volunteer for many organizations and send support for others.
My thought would be to end child abuse..both verbal/physical and sexual. Every child should have a home to feel safe and protected in that is full of love.
Happy Birthday Sue!
As a woman who has been unable to conceive a child of her own and in the process of adopting a child, my wish is two-fold. 1 – comfort and understanding for those unable to conceive, hope for the cry of “mama”, and grace and peace from the Father for an understanding that He has bigger and greater things in store for us. 2 – for the orphaned children of the world to be easily and economically adopted into loving homes, to know love and affection, to not feel the effects of hunger and neglect and to grow into loving and emotionally prosperous adults. And finally, 3 – to make a difference in one moment, one life at a time.
Happy birthday, what a wonderful thing for you to do for your birthday. The one thing I will do is use your example of sharing Christ and His Gospel with those I come in contact with, to be bolder about it.
I believe in prayer too and will pray for the 14 year old with cancer.
What I would do to make the world a better place? I would make our children responsible for their education, to learn and be the best that they can be and so that in the future they can be responsible adults and to make a change in the world. Start with the children and teach the world for the future.
Happy Birthday Sue!!
I would like to not be so dependent on my cars. I am really going to try to walk to work more, and walk to other places more and leave the car in the driveway.
Happy Birthday Sue!
I would like to make the world more positive instead of all the negative. Less crime, less pain and suffering, less hate, less pedifiles (spelling).
Sue, This is a wonderful thing you're doing...that's just your nature though and it's not surprising.
My youngest daughter and I are now going through our closets and giving away some of our shoes and clothes to a family who just lost everything in a house fire. The Mom and daughter are the same size as us so we want to help make sure they are warm and feel loved.
Thanks again for what reminding everyone that little things do make a difference.
Happy birthday!! I love the thought and I thought about it for a while and there is someone on this page who so had the same idea! Ironically another nurse XD. I'm a nurse too and so many patients are in the hospital with smoking related illness...also, my mom was recently diagnosed with chronic bronchitis making her a COPD patient. She has never smoked in her entire life...but as a kid her dad used to smoke cigars in the car on trips and at their home. And through other various sources she has been surrounded by second hand smoke (despite the fact she tried to avoid it). Now she is having problems just breathing on some days and it was most likely caused by being around smoke. I haven't smoked but I have siblings and friends who do and have tried to quit and I know it is hard but I will try to offer support, advice and my resources that I have as a healthcare professional to help them quit if they desire. Also, at our hospital we are big advocates of teaching everyone the risks of smoking regardless of whether or not a person smokes. The other thing I try to do and will do more often is pray for my patients as I'm caring for them and after they've left the hospital.
Hi Sue Happy Birthday,This is not hard to think of at all I would like to open a shelter for parents that think they may abuse there child to give the parents a chance to kool down and to get a grip on life I also would like to help feed the working people .People who cannot afford to get the food they need they live from paycheck to paycheck also to be able to pray for everyone.God loves us all no matter who we are or what we do he still loves us maybe not what we do but for us he sent his son Amen
There are a few things I would love to do. One is to make sure no one is forgotten in our town's nursing home. I hope to one day make a lapghan for each of the residents there. Also all during the year I am going to make hats and scarves so next winter I can take them to a shelter and the local school to give to anyone who needs them to help keep warm. My dad passed away a number of years ago from cancer and I would like to give something to the chemo unit to help the ones going through it to keep the faith. My uncle and grandmother were in Hospice Care before passing away. I think this is a very rewarding program for both the patient and the family. They do so many wonderful things and I would love to become more involved with them. I plan on talking to someone in the organization to find out what I can do or make for them to help others in their times of sorrow. I love to give and see the smiles that the little acts of kindness brings.
Happy Birthday, Sue...hope your day is very special. Where to start? So much in this old world needs mending in one way or the other. I, too, would like to see a cure for cancer and if I could have a hand in it..then so much the better. I have lost family members and friends to this dreadful disease. It is not easy watching someone you love lose the battle to this awful thing. Trusting in our Lord helps immensely. If I had boocoos of money, there would be no such thing as homelessness, our families, friends, and us and anyone else we could help would be completely debtfree..what a dream!!! Right now the best thing we can do is pray for each other and everyone else....
First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Something I do, and anyone could do... Whenever a pet goes missing, naturally, you have this lost pet, who is at danger of death or, if someone takes them in, never seeing their family again. It's such a simple thing to do... I look in the lost and found everyday. If any are lost in my area, I go out looking for them. I look for 'lost' and 'found' ads to see if there are matches, because sometimes, people who place an ad, don't actually get the paper, and think the other will call them. So, I've re-united pets with owners, because the ad placers (whether from the lost or found end) didn't have a paper to see the other ad. When I could get around better, I'd take the ad to the local dog pound, which is not real close to me, and search for a pet that seemed to fit and call the people to come check. They were usually shocked that THEIR pet had ended up the pound, and never thought to go look there, as they thought only 'strays' ended up there, not pets like theirs. Remember, for every pet that goes missing, there is a family at home, crying their eyes out.... and for some, a pet is the only person in their life that is a constant supply of love, and represents a reason to get up in the morning.
Hi Sue,Happy Birthday, great idea and so generous! There are so many things to do it is overwhelming, one close to my heart is more sensitivity and understanding of mental illness. Also, always try to listen to the kids, many need that and have a lot to say or could be hurting, we can make a difference. Thanks for doing this. CLakin
Happy Birthday Sue!!One of the main things I would like to change is medical insurance and care for elderly! I lost both my parents last year within 2 months and they struggled with medical payments. I saw how they struggled and it's not right how it works, The other thing is a cure for cancer or at least early detection so it can be prevented. And the last thing is that people realize how important our chuldren are and that we teach them all that is good about ourselves. They are our future and the future of our world. We need to teach them all about life before its to late. This is a wonderful thing you are doing and hope you have many more birthdays to come!! Kim
Happy Birthday Sue, and thanks for being so generous. I would like to see more people have awareness and sensitivity to mental illness. Also, talk and listen to the kids they are telling us so much, and some may be hurting, we can make a difference. Great idea to do this, Sue. Chris L
i wish i could find a way to fix this world, the way i see it is there ae so many people hurting and lonely, longing for something as small as a kind word, human touch(i.e. even something as small as a hug, pat on the back, hey ya did a good job)we are losing our youth i just wish there was a way to give them direction in life. i know i can do small things like this and sometimes it just takes that kind word, or touch, to make a persons day, just do something nice for someone you dont even have to know them! if we all gave 100% and only expected 70%, we would all be very very rich in the things that matter. the ripple effect at work here! dani
Happy Birthday Sue!!
If I could I would put the ARTS back into schools. I would start a foundation so that children can enjoy the ARTS (music, drawing, clay, knitting, etc...) in school.
Happy Birthday!
My attempt to make the world a better place is to volunteer to visit/talk to patients that have my neurological disorder to encourage them that they can do anything. I also volunteer to talk with Breast Cancer patients as I now have experience with that disease as well. It is comforting for patients to talk with someone that has been thru it.
For me, I think it all begins at home. I would like to raise my kids to be kind, caring, sensitive individuals. I would like to see us all treat each other just a little bit better. Less name calling and more compliments. Less fighting and more hugs. Each of us taking the time to appreciate one another.
I think so often as a family we take each other for granted. We don't really spend time together and when we do we are so often stressed or busy or thinking about a million other things. I would like to see my family just taking time to "be".
For my part in all this - I want to work on yelling less and appreciating more. When one of my kids needs my attention, I want to try to stop what I'm doing and help them. I want to hug my husband more. I guess for me, it’s about taking the time to appreciate the little things. I think if the little things are good, the big changes will follow.
I think if everyone would live by the Golden rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you, then this world of ours would be a better place. Too many people today only care about "ME"
Hi Sue! I personally would teach everyone about the love of God. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sue!
My biggest focus at the moment is helping deaf children learn sign language. We have 8 children at the school I work at and the main form of communication they will use their whole life ... they aren't good at. None of their parents know sign language and the children struggle in school. I also want to rally for those with disabilities via the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I feel that too often people classified with a disability (don't like that term), are the same as you and I. They are often treated unfairly and rudely. People judge them before they realize they ARE just people trying to get along in life like everyone else. I hope to help those students that I work with and maybe help educate the parents. With prayer and God's help, I hope that is something I can do.
I work as a vendor at the Army Post here. It was at one time a nice place to work. I would love to change it back to the way it was. With people willing to work together. Now they all want to see if they can get a sale from you. I would try to have people work together and help eachother out. we are all in this to make a living. It is better to help out you neighbor and be blessed in the end for it.People will enjoy life muchmore if they could just gett along.
I would love to be able to volunteer more then what I do now. I would love to help the homeless to get them back on their feet, help people find jobs, also would love to have children feel safe everywhere and give them a safe place to be. Would also like to help people with cancer to spend time with them, take them where they would love to go. I guess just helping people and make sure they are taken care of. World peace would be another one, bringing soldiers back to the US.
Happy Birthday Sue!!
Happy Birthday Sue!!
I'm working towards doing more charity knitting - prayer shawls or healing shawls - and I’ve done a few.
In the meantime a co-worker who is a minister generously shares food baskets three times a year - Easter, Thanksgiving & Christmas.
Today I’m giving 29 granny’s favorite dishcloths to her - to be included in some of the Easter food baskets.
Anne in Omaha
First of all, Happy Birthday, Sue! This is such a wonderful idea. It caused me to really think about what I can do to make the world a better place. There are so many things I'd love to see, but I think they mostly come down to this: Love your neighbor as you love yourself. If we would all take care of each other the way we were designed to do, just think of how the world would change! There would be no hunger, no homelessness, no child or elder abuse...the list goes on and on. I've got neighbors in my neighborhood, at work, on the highway, in line at the store, on the walking path, at the gym, at church, etc. I'm going to purpose to follow that directive from Jesus.....and ask for His help to do it.
I explained to you how I help other mom's who have had a child pass away. I have helped several mom's thru a pregnancy after a loss. I would love to go back to school to do this professionally.
This isn't quite as ambitious as some of the others, but one thing I really want to do is start a prayer shawl ministry at our church. Happy birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.
God Bless!
Hello Sue. Happy Birthday. I loved reading all of the comments here, and believe that each of us would like to change big things. I believe that changing the little things makes the big changes. We, as a family (including my teenage boys) take a meal every year to the homeless shelter. We shop for presents for children at Christmas. For the day to day things, we give of ourselves, our time and our money. My oldest son works at the Ronald McDonald house once a month providing a meal to the families, he rings the bells for the Salavation army over his Christmas break. We are changing our light bulbs to more efficient ones, we recycle, I share my time and my talents with children. Recently I have been working on knitting for charity - I truly believe that a hand knit gift can make someone feel love at least for the moment. We use cloth rags and napkins instead of paper towels.
If I could do more, could magically change something - it would be that no child would feel unloved, be a witness or a victim of violence. I truly believe that starting with the child would change the way things are in the world. Love can do so many great things.
Thanks for doing this, it has really made me think for a week about this issue more purposefully. Thanks also to everyone who has shared their ideas - so many fantastic ideas. So much love here.
I think maybe this gave birth to the dream I had the other morning. I dreamed we had won the lottery and I set up a foundation that gave *make overs* to all new shelter and mission folks, complete with three new sets of clothes. This was so they could feel a little special, and look nice for job interviews and such. I have been that down and out, and know what it is like to have no changes of clothes and start from nothing. Knowing someone cares is also a big help when you have lost everything. I then took the remainder of my MaryKay supplies (I used to sell it) including the book I got from a reknowned make up artist and gave it to the Oncology dept. at our local hospital. They use these to have *glamour days* for the women battling cancer.
thanks for the inspiration!
greenlady at gra.midco.net
Happy Birthday, Sue! My plan is to teach some young people and adults at my church to knit and begin to make scarves, hats, afghans, etc. for missionary projects. Everyone learns a new skill and begins to help others at the same time. Another issue close to my heart is the environment. I'm trying to learn more ways to recycle and reuse in order to make my carbon footprint smaller for the earth. I'm only one person, but that's where it has to start. Blessings, Shirley <><
If I could I would provide shelter for all the homeless people.HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sue.Mary B
Happy Birthday Sue,
There are so many people in need all over the world.It is hard to choose who to help.I want to pick a charity that I can use my love of knitting to help others.They will feel blessed and so will I.
Happy Birthday Sue!!
I saw your blog post on this right after I had already made the decision to start a new project.
My plan for the rest of this next year at least, is to write and mail one card or letter a week. Money is tight for us, but that is something that we can easily do. I homeschool so I plan to have my children involved in this too.
We have a large extended family that I plan to write to. Also on a website I belog to (crochetville) there is a RAOK list where people list things they would love to receive. I've noticed that cards and letters are on just about ever list. So I plan to use that to fill in some of my weeks.
It might be something small, but I think that it's the small things that make a huge difference. I know getting a surprise card or letter in my mailbox makes my day and in return affects my attitude with everyone I deal with that day.
If I could, I would have everyone respect everyone else. Since I can't, I will do my best not to criticize anyone, and to stamp out any derogatory stereotypical thinking that pops into my mind.
What a great gift for the world - 5,000 on the dishcloth list, all thinking about how to make the world better! Thank you!
Jan Webber
(Jan in SoCal)
Morning Ladies: What I would love to do is something I've thought about for a long time. I am a mom who like many of us, has taught our own children to knit. In my real life I am a long time knitter, and Girl Guide leader. I would like to arrange for some ladies(perhaps our Trefoil grp.) to come in for a couple of weeks, and teach our unit girls(15) to knit.
I know the joy, the pride, that I see my daughter has in her knitting, and designing-How awesome would it be to be able to share that with my girls.Just think now-that would be 15 lives-all impacted with knitting, and the humour, the cameraderie, the pride...;..
Positively gives me goosebumps thinking about it.
Marg W.
Happy Birthday Sue. Keeping to what I can do to help change the world - for every item I knit for myself, family, or friends I knit at least one extra and donate to charity - local charities for man-made fibres that are washable (how we take that for granted) and wool items for places like Afghanistan where the extra warmth is needed and washing is not usually an option. emp
Happy Birthday to you. I hope you have a supurb year.
I have dealt with cancer and losing my Dad from it then 3/12 yrs ago having my DH go through it. I know there is no cure for it but if I could do something to make the patient or the family more comfortable I would love to help.
My DH has also been in recovery for the past 5 1/2 years. This too is a very tough road to follow and I would love to find a way to help both the addict and the family. He sometimes does not realize that he is not the only one that is going through all of this. I need to remind him of myself and our two kids.
Happy, Happy Birthday and thank you for your generousity of sharing your patterns with us. I am constantly making and giving away dishcloths......hoping to share a small portion of my love for people with others with a small gesture of giving with no strings attached. Being raised by a mother that never could share a piece of herself without strings attached, it's always been easy for me to give my time, my friendship and maybe even only a smile to people who need a boost during the day. Hatred is a horrible way to live and I choose to show the love and peace of God to those around me.
Happy birthday! What a wonderful idea!
There are so many things that have already been written and I agree with them all! I especially relate to the teaching children to sign and cures for cancer and other dread illnesses. I am from Hawai'i, and what I try to do is to spread the aloha in small ways such as letting people into traffic, waving thanks when they do the same for me, and knitting "alohaghans" and chemo caps for people going through chemo.
On a larger scale, I would also find a way to protect children from abusive parents, and to somehow, get rid of all the drugs that are devastating our world, i.e., meth, heroin, etc. That doesn't seem possible, but I can bring peace to my little corner of the world through my aloha spirit and my knitting.
Sue I want to thank you for sharing your birthday with us. If I could change the world I would see that every child was safe and had a home to call their own. I would take care of the elderly. For right bow I can Pray for peace and that one day everyone in this world will live as one family. The only other thing I pray for is that all our service men and women come home safe. God Bless You All
Kathy Fernandez
Bedminster NJ
I will be honored to celebrate your birthday, instead of buying myself another pair of expensive knitting needles which I want, but do not need, I will make a microloan through Kiva.org. to someone in the developing world to help them start or continue their small business.
One thing I would do was open all Moms to the world of cloth diapering (and other use of cloth) and teach them all the benefits of using cloth... to their children and the environment... and to teach them how to cloth diaper the easiest way and all the tips and tricks to make it a great and fun experience. Sounds crazy, but I am so passionate about cloth instead of disposable stuff...that I think the world would be a much better place if more Moms would consider this. (and other things like cloth wipes, cloth napkins, etc)
:) Bridget
Happy Birthday Sue
As for changing the world, my small part is involving donating dishcloths to the local food pantry at our church. We live paycheck to paycheck as most people these days are but buying yarn is my one addiction that I indulge in. Since I end up with so many, I hope that by donating them to the church, someone is using a cloth made with love as knitting is one of the things I love to do. I also have donated my time for the last 10 years as a "church lady" for CCD classes every Sunday.
I hope you have a great day and many happy returns.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And what a sweet idea. I, too, am fifty-something and have been retired a year. I have been looking for something 'giving' to do. A friend of mine began teaching first grade this year and I am going to start spending at least a morning a week in her class, reading to the kids or anything I can do to help them get a good start. Going to take a TB test this week so they will let me into the school. Marianne
Hi Sue,
Happy BIRTHDAY to you!This is such a nice gift that you are giving to all of us on YOUR Birthday!Thank You.
I would like to see peace and happiness for everyone.And the power of prayer is what can HELP.
Hi Sue and Happy Happy Birthday to you dear...I would love to see the end to poverty and homelessnes.. My heart aches when I see people having to dumpster dive for bottles to get food, and then see them curled into balls in store entry ways to keep warm and to sleep...No one should have to go through that...That would be my prayer...Have a wonderful day
Happy Birthday! Hoping this is the best ever as you are such a caring-shaing person. If everyone was like that the world would be a better place. God Bless You!
Hi, Sue - Happy 50-ish birthday! I am going to try to smile and say somthing nice to 2 people (other than my students) every day. ~Karen
Happy Birthday dear Sue...I hope that you are blessed with many many more. You are one talented lady and we need you around for more years to come. If it was possible in my scope of living I would like to see that the homeless were no longer without homes and that there was enough food to feed the hungry, not only here but all over the world. It's hard to imagine that living in the land of plenty that there are so many that are going without and suffering. I want to become a better witness to the power of the Lord in our lives.
For a profession I always wanted to be an earth angel. Giving love is goodness coming from your heart. The twinkle of your eyes (the twinkle comes from a true earth angel) , caring smiles and warmth of your touch is the way I like to treat people. I like to practice positive ways and thoughts and encourage people by a genuine interest in them. I like to fill the needs of people without them having to ask. Like if a person is searching for an item in a grocery store..I will go out of my way to help them find it..especially the elderly.
Last week and throughout the weekend I offered my love and time to a young neighbor lady who was packing for a move. She has a 7 month old baby and puppy. I willingly gave up my schedule to help this lady in need by baby and puppy sitting. And that was interesting...the baby wanted the puppy toys and his tail... and the puppy wanted to kiss the baby's mouth and toes! Quite a two-ring circus! :-)
I recently sent yarn to a lady who requesting certain P&C colors that I had. I declined her offer of payment. I simply asked her to pass on the kindness to someone else in need. It's a win/win situation.... you get help to someone in need and then God richly blesses you---much more then the cost of the yarn.
Being good is contagious. And as 1 John 4:11 says..... serve others in love. You can't go wrong.
Happy Birthday Sue!
I like to send cards and letters to friends and family. I like to cheer them up when they are sad by giving them a pretty card.
A while ago, I wanted to start a prayer shawl ministry at my church. While I was not met with any resistance, it would have been a ministry of 1. Since I first saw your message, I was approached by someone else in the congregation who would like to do this, word spread a bit, and today we are meeting for the first time!
I know it wasn't you who brought this other woman to me, but I'd like to thank you for putting that thought out there so I would pray about it again.
I try to make the world a better place by bringing a smile to the sales clerks I deal with. As a stay at home mom, I realized my ministry field is the stores I go to. As I go to the same stores, I start to recognize the clerks. It does not take a big effort but I find that it does make a difference not only with the clerk but also with my attitude!
I greet the clerks by name. If they have an unusual name I make a positive remark about their name. If they look tired, I ask if their shift is almost over so they can go get some rest. I ask them how their day is going.
I also get my children involved. Once we are done, they all tell the clerk, "Bye, have a nice day!".
Some of the clerks now recognize me. One said, "I noticed you were here and hoped you would come through my line!" Another got a huge smile on her face, and you could tell she was "glowing". Another time, when I told the clerk, "You look like you are having a rough day." Her jaw dropped. She was so appreciative of that simple remark.
I have thought about what I would do to make the world a better place. I wish that we could live by the words in the Garth Brooks song "We shall be free". It talks about ending hunger and racism (of all kinds) and creating equality for everyone. I know the song is older but I still listen to it often. I try to live the words in my daily life and talk about it with others when I can. I dream of the day "When there is only one race and that is mankind." I still believe that this can happen.
I am trying to change the world by helping abused or unwanted animals by knitting blankets for the humane society.
Happy Birthday Sue!
Well I guess the best thing I can do for the world is to raise my little girl to be a great member of society and provide her a loving and stable home. Mine was a little weird growing up, I just hope hers will be less so.
Good Afternoon Sue & A great BIG Happy Birthday to you! What a wonderful thing you are doing, you must truly be filled with the Holy Spirit! I thought a lot about this & my final idea would to be make the world a better place for so many seniors who are sad & lonely. There are so many who are put in "nursing homes " by their families & just left there to end their days. I would like to get a program going where all these seniors could have visits from people who care about them & wou;ld spend a bit of time with them. That is a lot of themwant, someone to talk to!
HUGS for now.
I thought a lot about this & my final idea would to be make the world a better place for so many seniors who are sad & lonely. There are so many who are put in "nursing homes " by their families & just left there to end their days. I would like to get a program going where all these seniors could have visits from people who care about them & would spend a bit of time with them. That is all that lot of them want, someone to talk to!
HUGS for now.
Strwbrry PI
we can change by love kindness and helping others
Hi Sue! What an awesome idea! Thank you. You are so generous!
I have noticed that the people of the world are getting increasingly more rude and self absorb. Shopping these day is so frustrating. People no longer say excuse me, they simply run you over with their shopping carts or push you out of there way. So I am going out of my way to make sure I remember to use my manners. I am also making sure my children use there manners. I want them to look people in the eye and say excuse me or please and thank you. Common courtesy is quickly disappearing in our society. I think it is because people are in just to big of a hurry.
Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing your talents on this day!
As your challenge,I plan on setting up a knitting group at my church,with goal of making children's clothing for St.Judes Hospital. This has been on my mind for quite awhile and your challenge has made this firm. I also plan on seeking out those needy in my church and adopting the family by doing services they are in need of.
Thank you again for your generosity and inspired project that will do so much good in this needy world.
Verna Waybright
pdf and I do not get along, is it possible to get pattern in word?
Sunrise Kitchen Set is my choice for free set.
I would eradicate slavery that still exists today. I will continue to inform & empower women to do whatever they can to end human trafficking in the US and globally - especially as it relates to the sex trade of women and children. Does your state have anti-human trafficking laws? Not every state does. And PRAY for those who are battling it and those involved in it (please)... Jan
Happy Birthday Sue!!!
I plan on decreasing my footprint on the planet by, recycling more, truning off lights, unplugging unused items, buying used (Value Village, Goodwill, Consignment stores, etc....), buying local, using the library, giving nonclutter related gifts, & researching to find more ways to help the planet. Hope you have a wonderful day. -dawn in Bellingham
What I would do to change the world?
That is a hard one. Something that could help (and something I have tried doing for many years) is to help our furry friends.
It isn't right that if someone has a pet and has to let them go for a variety of reasons that they are let go in the wild, given to shelers or put down. I would have a large farm type area with "houses" so that they could be taken care of. Strays, housepet, old farm animals. ANY furry friend would be welcome.
A final note. I have helped place over 75 stray and unwanted cats in the last 10yrs. and 30 dogs and puppies. One day I dont wants to see animals abandoned due to no fault of their own. Thanks
Hi Sue,
This is a wonderful idea. Happy birthday.
I would like to help the world in helping the elderly. I would like to have a group of loving people to visit nursing homes and touch and hug them. So many of these people have no one to care about them.
Jan Alexander
Hi Sue, and Happy Birthday to you and many more.Thank you for the great idea. if i could change the world, i would make sure that those of us that are struggling to make ends meet because of health issues and not being able to work, would have plenty of money for our bills and still some left over to have fun with.
hugs Betty
I have read a lot of the comments and agree with most of them. It would be nice to rid out world of drugs, disease, abuse, etc. I would vote for that. It would be nice if people could learn to be more sensitive, compassionate and selfless and less violent. Take time to just say a kind word to someone each day. It really doesn't hurt. I try to volunteer as much as I can but like a lot of us have to work a lot to keep my head above water. This year I am making scarves for the Red Scarf project and I always make items for our annual craft sale at work to benefit our local Children's Hospital. I'm just going to try and do something nice for someone each day, appreciate ther people I have in my life and keep a positive attitude.
As a retired teacher, I know how valuable education is. If it were in my power, I would awaken a love for learning in every child sitting in a classroom in this country. I would encourage teachers not to stifle creativity, no matter how it is expressed, and to give their students a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
We all should be passionate about learning something-a trade, a craft, a new language, and it is up to teachers to light a fire in every child they touch. I would like to show teachers how to do it and how to love their job.
Carol Ann
What a wonderful idea. I try to pay it forward with every chance I get. I would want it to come natural for everyone to do a good deed everyday. It does not have to be a big thing but something to touch others. I do not want our country to we weak but strong and united. It is not impossible for us to be strong at will but compassionate in heart. You are doing such a good deed here having everyone stop and have a positive thought. Happy Birthday and blessings for the year to come. Nancy S in New Smyrna Beach FL
Happy Birthday! I would try to be more green. Recycle, reuse and renew more.
I volunteer a lot, and knit stuff for charity, but if I had unlimited funds I would found an elephant sanctuary. They are supremely social animals and literally go crazy when isolated. You see it in zoos with less than 5: That rhythmic rocking is so sad. Also, they walk 30 miles or so a day in the wild. I want to buy a massive chunk of Texas or New Mexico and fill it with all the zoo and circus elephants. I'd need vets and pachyderm experts to help resocialize them. And some would be beyond recovery, but at least they'd have more freedom.
I'd fund its maintenance with helicoptor and jeep safaris.
Being the idealist that I am I would like to right all the wrongs in this world but I know I can't--Satan does exist.
Being the nurturer that I am I would like to give everyone who is hurting a big hug but I am so limited.
I am only one human, but I do have faith in our Lord and am so thankful for the gifts that He has given me. Thanks to you Sue, I will be acting on what the I believe the Lord has impressed on my heart. I will be starting a prayer shawl ministry in our church. I have so many visions for this ministry. I know that even though I can't right the wrongs and I can't hug everyone who is hurting,but I can pray and help organize something where people can wrap up and know that Lord has them in His hands and that He has ultimate control and will see that we will live forever in peace and harmony.
Thanks Sue for helping me be accountable to the Lord through this. Happy Birthday and God's Blessins Pat Brookfield
I have been thinking about this for a few days. Then I went to our local elementary school this afternoon. I already make hats, scarfs, sweaters, afghans, ect for local charities. But, my real dream would be to make sure that every single child in the whole world had a loving, happy home with parents who love them. Full of hugs and smiles. No more child abuse. No more neglect. No more adults who think the world only revolves around them.
Every item I knit goes out with a prayer that who ever ends up wearing it feels the love and hugs that goes with it.
Sue, A very Happy Birthday to you and thank you for your generous offer of a pattern
Ever since our 1st child was born 48 years ago, my hope was that children all over the world would never go to bed hungry. We try to reduce hunger in a small way locally. Thanks to Afghans for Afghan, I learned of the seeds project for Afghanistan. Because of this, I will be able to help increase food available by having caregivers and their loves ones with Alzheimer's Disease donate vegetables and flower seeds at our Valentines Day cook-out. We are calling our little project Seeds of Hope. The veg. seeds will help to feed some children and adults while the flower seeds will bring some beauty into their lives. Plus they can take them to market and sell them. Only wish I had the means to provide seeds to everyone who needs them all over this world. My husband has Alzheimer's and the beginnings of Parkinson disease - at times it is over whelming and then I think of parents sending their children to bed hungry and I am thankful for all we have in this country.
Can't wait to read all the comments since I have been gone all day. Thanks again Sue for this great idea. Maybe some of us will find new projects to help others thru all the comments.
Hello Sue,
Happy Birthday!
I am to make dish-cloths and learn to use them to forget about those sponges, that break apart so fast. Whit my huge stash of plastic bags I am making two big groceries bags. And with so many beautiful patterns from the groups, I am making spa kits for the family too, like this there will be less plastic puffs around.
Have you seen the new Clorox product, I forgot the name, they are green, made from plants. My husband think we should try them. We could share those natural helpers so we could use less chemicals.
My last two kids are vegetarian, and I am assisting to a cook shop at the school that teaches how to prepare a vegetable a month in different ways. So as a family we a changing the way we eat for the better. And believe it or not, it will save us money. I will still eat meat (I love meat), but it will be more balance.
I help with translating what we learn in these school workshops, so other people have a better life.
Thank you for the opportunity to share our ideas, and this unique way of celebrating.
I will make every attempt to recycle my very large stash of reading materials. I'm sure I've killed quite a few trees over the years
What I would do is shovel the snow for anyone who is ill, or elderly, or otherwise can't to it themselves. We have an awful lot of snow in Ontario this year, and it is scary not being able to get out many days. In smaller towns, there always seems to be youngsters around who love to make a couple of bucks, but in the city, even the offer of $40 doesn't interest them in helping. Have a great day, Heather
Happy Birthday!
I read about your wonderful idea over on the Yahoo Monthly dishcloth list.
The thing I've done that meant the most to me has been working with Kairos, a prison ministry. They organize 3 day "retreats" within the prison to show the inmates (we call them residents) the unconditional love of Jesus. Spending time with these women is incredible. To watch the change God works in them is beyond incredible :)
Lately, I've been trying to be a better steward of the Earth. I'm using cloth bags for shopping, recycling all I can, using compact fluorescent bulbs, employing numerous water-saving strategies (turning the shower off while soaping up, catching and reusing the shower and kitchen water that runs while it is warming up, etc).
We should all be like our dogs and cats and love unconditionally, everyone that comes into our lives.
Happy Birthday Sue!
A very happy fifty something Sue! I am having a hard time picking one thing I wish I could do to improve the world we live in. If people could just be kind to each other I think it would help with lots of things. The greed needs to be replaced with kindness and I try to practice that in my life.
God Bless from another fifty something.
I would like there to be world peace! This seems tough and I'm not sure what I could do worldwide, so I'll try to create peace here in my own little corner of the world. I try to do something special for someone everyday. Maybe it will spread.
Praying for those who have nobody to pray for them. If we all prayed together, it might make this world better.
Hi, My husband is a Realtor who also is a landlord and a vendor for Va foreclosed properties. As his wife who does much of the support services for him I see some things I would love to be able to change.
My husband recently had to evict a lady whose landlord had defaulted on his note and the house was foreclosed on by the VA. The woman renting the house had been paying her rent on time every month for the last year and had no idea anything was wrong until my Husband knocked on the door and explained the situation. The VA gave her 2 weeks to move out. My Husband was able to get her a $1000.00 moving fee for keys.
This lady has 3 children under the age of 8 and to suddenly have to uproot her family in the middle of the school year through no fault of her own is something I see as an injustice.
I would like to write to the powers that be in this city and make them aware that other cities have laws that protect renters and Landlords. I would like to have stronger laws in place for such situations and help prevent homelessness.
What a lovely idea.
I have to tell you what my kids and I are doing at our school. Our combined choral concert (grades 4-6) is We can make a difference! and our kids are singing the opening ceremony of Relay for Life in town (where I teach, not where I live) anyway, we (my colleague from the other elementary school who is jointing with me) and I decided to make a benefit concert. We're doing all great songs including one by Bomshel called The Power of One, and We are the World.. the rest aren't as well known but still have a wonderful message. We usually don't charge admission. AND have a penny war between the 2 elementary schools in which all the proceeds from both the penny war and concert go to American Cancer Society Relay for life. It officially began yesterday, but last week they brought in about $60 worth of pennies... Since Monday I think they have about another $40 (one boy brought in $10 in pennies). I've promised if my school raises $7.5 K I'll dye my hair purple... The kids are so psyched. I hope they do it... and we hope that we CAN make a difference.
I think that even the smallest gesture will change the world if we all do so. If we can each do something to affect even just one person in a good way then we can change the world. I think the saying "pay it forward" is the best way to say what i'm trying to say. Do a good deed and have that person doo a good deed for someone else. It's like my son's favorite show "sunny patch friends". The had a show where all the bugs in sunny patch planted "good deed seeds". I also think that promoting tolerance and patience would go a long way in improving peoples attitudes towards people. And smile it really isn't that bad. Marlene McDonald
Oh, I forgot to say, last year I taught 50 kids to knit and we made a blanket for Warm Up America... we're doing the same this spring in 8 afternoons at school.... different way to teach kids how to give to others without expecting a payback. and happy happy birthday!
To make the world a better place, working with youth is one of my favorite ideas and pastimes. And to get them to work with seniors, learning to appreciate what their elders have learned in the years gone by and all the wonders they have seen in their lifetime.
Additionally, teaching kids the crafts and skills of previous generations (such as knitting, quilting, etc.) are wonderful ways also.
As a result, I find myself teaching 4H needlework classes of all sorts, being a Girl Scout leader, working with our church youth group at the local soup kitchen, substitute teaching/volunteering at the middle school, etc.
Giving of oneself always helps the world provided we don't pat ourselves on the back too much or brag to others how wonderful we are for taking our time to do these things.
My husband is a Rotarian, and the motto of Rotary is "Service above Self." If we can instill that in our youth, we have done more to make the world a better place than all the peace talks have ever done.
Additionally, getting kids (and others) to move beyond their comfort zone, to interact with others who are different from them in any way - teaches them that we're all more alike than different. We all have the same hopes and dreams of a better world for our children.
Kathleen in NC
Oh that is a great birthday present! Happy happy birthday to you! I would try and make sure every baby that leaves our local hospital has a nice warm hat to wear! I've got about half of them covered now. Must work harder to get them all covered! :-)
Sue, I hope that you are having the most enjoyable day. You have brought so much joy to all of us through your works of art.
I would like for everyone to remember how lucky we are to have our families and friends. These days we seem to take so much for granted until it's too late. There's nothing wrong with telling others how lucky we are to have them in our lives and how much they mean to us. To have regrets for what "I should have done" or "I should have said" can easily be remedied by just going with your heart. :)
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Sue,
I would do what Colossians 1:10 says: "that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God". This is how I can try to make the world a better place.
Happy Birthday Sue!
May your day be as special as you!
If I could do one thing to make the world a better place it would be to find a cure for cancer and eradicate this dreadful disease from the world!
God's Blessings!
TO make the world a better place - I would love to be able to help more people to learn to have the desire to do for themselves and not expect a handout - to always get something for free... I'm thinking in the areas of education, employment and self improvement. There are too many people who have faced hard times and decided it's easier to wait for someone else to make it better - than to get out there and work for themselves to improve their situation. We need to develop a stronger work ethic among our young people - so many 20-somethings expect to have all the conveniencs and luxury items that their parents have worked all their lives to have. SO many kids today just could not function without a cell phone - 20 years ago - if you weren't home - you just didn't get your calls - they'd call back and catch you when you were home... now a cell phone is a necessity - not !!!
IF i could make the world a better place i would find a cure for Macular degeneration. So no one would go blind anymore.
I voted today, and while I was in that booth, I thought that it would be a lot better for this world, if we could vote with our hearts. We should not at all be thinking about a first female president, or a first black president. Our reason for voting should be for a president that will bring us peace instead of war, who will bring us a senate and a congress we can trust, judges, lawyers and doctors that still have morals. When all of this comes about because we ask the right person to lead us, only then will we have a better world.
I have been working to make more people aware of the gift of organ donation. Many lives can be saved through this simple act that allows a family's loved one to continue on.
First of all, Happy Birthday Sue!!!
I find that a smile to those I meet in daily life is a gift to them and hopefully makes their day just a little bit better. I know it makes mine better to do that.
May you be blessed with the same kindness that you have shared with your fellow knitters today Sue!
Hugs, Este
what i do to make the world a better place is knit blankets for the cats and dogs at the spca.
What a fun idea! Happy B-Day to you! If I could do one thing to change the world it would be to help the mothers who so desperately want a child. My daughter lost her little girl 1 month shy of her delivery date. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. I've started knitting little hats to give to the little tiny ones in the neonatal unit at our hospital. It's the only thing I can think of to do. Hugs to you, Deb T
I would bring God back into our lives. because He is the only that can fix this world and let God carried us through the bad times in our lives. We need peace
on earth and not turn our head went we see the need we need to pray. Thank you Helen Ensor
Random acts of kindness and start with your local nursing home. My MIL has been a resident there for 4+ years. Teach someone to crochet (we've just started a "class" and even the staff are learning!) Buy someone a magazine. Many of them are still mentally intact and appreciate a smile, a short visit or even if you run a quick errand for them. It makes a different in their lives to know someone thought of them.
Also, support feedingchildren.org - Kids Against Hunger! Our church is having our own day to feed the hungry.
Happy Blessed Birthday, Sue! I would like to be able to convey and show the love of God to others that I come in contact with. To be a light in a dark world. So many are hurting and if a kind deed or word could help, I pray that I can be used to do just that. I have read many of the others ideas, and they are all wonderful! It does the heart good!
God Bless,
My idea is simple as it is also my New Year's resolution - kindness. Everyday, I am making it a point to respond with kindness. I call store managers to compliment various sales staff, hold open doors for others-especially moms with strollers, take grocery carts back for people who have finished putting their groceries in their car, let cars merge with a friendly smile, knit toe cast covers for people who broke their legs falling on the recent ice, complimenting strangers on how well behaved their children are etc. The opportunites are amazing to practice simple acts of kindness when you look for them. Happy birthday Sue - May you have a blessed year.
Happy Birthday Sue,
My wish would be to have all the animals that have been abandoned to fend for themselves, and all the animals in the shelters to have loving happy homes.
Thak you for doing this.
Sue, First of all Happy Birthday! What a great idea..........to change the world. I live in a retired community and we have many wonderful gals here who do various neddlework. We make quilts, baby blankets, and lap afghans for the needy. Whenever I can help out I do and have offered to broaden crocheting skills. I have been pleasantly surprised what a little incentive will do. So, thank you for this idea as it has affirmed what I already do but have taken it for granted.Mary
This is such a kind and caring thing to share in this way on your birthday.
I would like to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease and other illnesses that take our loved ones away before their time.
Happy Birtday Sue and thank you for your geneours offer.
I would like to see a cure for cancer. I am presently driving a friend twice a week to do her shopping and errands as she cannot drive.
Today Feb 12 is the day I volunteer at our local food pantry. It's astonishing and difficult to believe that so many Americans go to bed hungry each night in this "land of plenty!"
Happy Birthday!!!! I just joined the 50 club 9 days ago! To make the world better I would continue to do my job. I work at a retirement home , doing my best to make my people's senior years the best they can be. If we don't care for our elders,and show the next generation how to honor those who have made the world what it is, what chance does this world have in the future.
Mary (in Iowa)
Your idea intrigued me from the first time I read it. The result has been some serious thought and prayer regarding the use of my gifts/talents and charity giving.
I have decided to add hand made dish/washcloths to the items I normally donate to a local church who assist those in need in our part of the county. Hand made towels will be added as time and energy allow. There are other details surrounding this project that are still in the planning and praying stages.
What I would LIKE to do is eradicate cancer. In the meantime, I donate caps and provide meals for Chemotherapy patients.
Happy Birthday!
I would eliminate intolerance. Everyone should be judged equally and fairly. Equality for all!
Everyone needs to be more helpful and caring to each other. We need to eliminate jealousy and hate to make the world a safer place.
I want to be able to share what I've learned knitting, sewing, or any other talents I might have - as well as learning new things to share.
I try to smile at people, especially strangers, and also hold doors for folks. Everyone is in such a big hurry anymore, that simple courtesies have gone by the wayside it seems.
I lost my mother to cancer when I was a teenager. Recently cancer has touched the lives of several of my friends. My mother taught me to knit when I was young and so I began to knit prayer shawls for my friends. One of them asked me for a soft chemo hat, so I stopped working on the prayer shawl to whip out some hats. It was the hardest thing to do, but it paled next to the courage and strength that my friends showed. I have continued to make prayer shawls for others and started groups in two churches. These women are inspired to knit for various charities. I would encourage folks in other churches to make prayer shawls and to share that symbol of God's love and comfort to those that are hurting. It is such a simple thing, but I have seen how prayer and craft come together to heal, comfort and encourage others. My prayer is that others are called to use their talents and gifts to help others. God Bless you on your birthday and thank you for inspiring others to make this world a better place! P.S. My mother's name was Sue.
My wish that would make the world a better place is for people to treat one another with kindness and respect. We expect that behavior from our children, wouldn't it be great if adults could do it to!
Amy from WI
I would try for religious and cultural harmony. If we could get these two things gone then there would be a lot less to fight about.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Sue! It may sound overly simplistic, but I think if we could just teach everyone to love one another then the world would be a much better place for all of us. Hate, greed, jealousy... all would be eliminated if we could just learn to find the best in others and love them for their differences.
I will be honored to celebrate your birthday, Sue instead of buying myself another pair of expensive knitting needles which I want, but do not need, I will make a microloan through Kiva.org. to someone in the developing world to help them start or continue their small business.
I have a soft heart when it comes to dogs. I'd like to be a foster parent to dogs and help them find a forever home!!
What a wonderful gesture and Happy Birthday! Wow, it is hard to pick just one thing, however, since charity crafting is in my heart, particularly for the babies/youth, I would wish for all kids to have warmth, clothing, food, and a loving environment in which to nuture.
Happy Birthday Sue!
Here's what I currently do to make my little corner of the world a little better.
First, I cook. I love to cook. I cook at a homeless shelter. I cook for my family. Sometimes on a whim I cook take-out dinner for a friend's family, even if they are not sick or anything! I cook for Congregational Care at my church. I bake two loaves of banana bread and give one away, perhaps to my sons' teachers when I pick them up from school. My need to cook is as strong as my need to knit!
Second, I knit! In addition to all the dishcloths I make for friends and family :) I knit hats out of all the worsted weight acrylic yarn leftovers everyone seems to have lying around, and I give them away at the homeless shelter (when I go there to cook!) I also make simple k3-p3 Prayer Shawls for people going through difficult times. Somehow all my friends and family seem to have scarves, and I don't have one yet! Oh well. Maybe someday I'll keep one for me.
These are two small, simple things I do. They have given me back 1000 times more than I have given. My life has been changed. I hope I have changed lives.
Hi Sue,
If there was one thing that I could devote my time to to help make this a better world to live in, it would be to have the opportunity to teach people the necesity of reducing consumerism! We americans are so hung up on material possessions that we are polluting the planet that we are leaving for our children. Personally, I cherish gifts of time over gifts of material things. (This really comes to light with Valentine's Day coming up!) I think that you get my point, so for the sake of time, I'll end this email here and hope that I have inspired several people to think about this :-) I hope that you have a wonderful birthday and may you have many more years so you can knit everything you ever dreamed of knitting!
Sue, this is such a sweet idea...I already knit, crochet and sew for a local hospital as well as my church's community center and will continue to do so. Now after learning about dishclothes and wash clothes, I am adding them to my gifts....thanks, Mommabear
What am I doing to make the world a better place...I am raising my son to respect his planet and mankind. I also made extra meals for supper tonight and put them on the front porches of two older single neighbors. Not an RAK cause they will know it came from me cause I often share with them.
tzbscSue, a very happy birthday to you. You are such a giving person and I thank you for your offer. I have read the comments of all before me, and must conclude that we are pretty much all of the same mind about changing the world.
I try to live by the Pay It Forward rule. Sometimes it is just a little thing, but you never know how that person will forward it to someone else. For almost 20 years I have been helping a senior with her shopping and errands-she is now 94 years old and we still do this every week or so. I have gotten far more from her-wisdom-laughter-caring-friendship, than she has gotten from me lugging her packages. HUGS, Ann Marie
My niece and my SIL share your birthday!! Hope it's a great one.
I am trying to make the world a better place by working as a Hospice Nurse. I help people who have 6 months or less to live. I work with them and their loved ones to ease their anxieties, fears, pain and or suffering. I am a midwife to the dying, guiding them along their way. I get more from this work than I ever dreamed possible. It is an honor and a priveledge to share such a sacred time in people's lives.
The one thing I would change if it would be humanly possible, would be to get rid of all crime, suffering and pain. clynnanne
p.s. hope your Birthday was spectacular!!!
This is my year to eliminate gossip from my personal life, and that means I won't gossip about others, and will "block" others from passing gossip on to me. To me, this is in line with God's plan for our lives to be filled with love and peace.
Patti T
This is my year to eliminate gossip from my personal life, and that means I won't gossip about others, and will "block" others from passing gossip on to me. To me, this is in line with God's plan for our lives to be filled with love and peace.
Patti T
I also will be pryaing for a cure of cancer. My father is fighting a battle now.
Happy birthday
Very happy birthday! And how sweet you are to share it us! I am increasingly making an effort to give more of myself to make the world a better place in my own small way. I knit for those in need with my church's knitting group, my husband and I foster homeless puppies, and I try to do at least one thing that will let me be a blessing for someone each day. My goal is to keep doing these things, but more of them.
In honor of your birthday, tomorrow I will try to find 3 opportunities to bless someone else! Peace & love!
Happy Birthday Sue! Thank you so much for all that you do. :-)
I see so many people suffering from cancer. It's one of the things that I pray my children will never get. I guess if I could do one thing, it would be to find a cure for it. Preferably soon.
I wish that I had the power to eliminate Alzheimer's Disease. My father had it, as did one of his brothers and one of his sisters. Also, my oldest cousin died in an Alzheimer's unit a few years ago. The wife of one of the elders in my church has been in an Alzheimer's unit for the last eight years. Alzheimer's is a disease that is much more devastating for the family than it is for the patient. I know how much it hurts to see the person or people you love mentally slip away while their physical body is still there.
--Pat Cearley
Sue, this may be a small wish but with all of the wishes you are receiving - it should be one huge very happy birthday. May you also have a very healthy year and that all your goals are met.(Also thank you for your most generous offer)
I would like to be a support to my husband who has prostrate cancer, and the numbers seem to keep climbing. To be supportive for my sister-in-law who has lung and stomach cancer and just lost her son unexpectedly at 50.(she is all alone) Also to be supportive to my granddaughter who is being raised by her father and very seldom hears from her mother.
She needs so much love and blames her self.
May everyone pass a smile or kind word to whomever they come in contact with.
Mary Ann
I try to be more personable and friendly to people when I am out shopping - I don't just answer the standard, "How are you today?", I ask them how they are, too. I engage them in a brief conversation, then I try to add something personal to the typical "Have a nice day" - I might tell them to be careful going home if weather is precarious, or to enjoy some event they were telling me about. If I see them, say, the following week, I'll ask them about that movie they were going to see or their kid's play or whatever. Too many times it seems like just an auto exchange is going on between people, with pat responses and no real listening or caring. It takes no extra time and people are always so pleased that someone has taken an interest in them! Spread a little sunshine! ~ Valerie
Happy Birthday Sue!
I like to help make new people feel welcome and help them in whatever way I can. It is really fun getting to make a new friend and help people.
One way I plan to change the world is to continue doing what I'm doing right now which is teaching in a detention center in the county I live in. I teach Pre-GED and GED but I also try to show the ladies that the right path for them to take in life is through the cross to Jesus. We get into some good discussions at times and I'm able to share some about Jesus. Some of my students are reading the "Left Behind" series and they ask me questions which God has always given me the answer to give them.
Pam C
The flu does strange things with your mind, so I missed the date. We raise guide dog puppies for a wonderful school in the southeast, fostering them for about a year before returning them to the school. We are currently raising our 4th pup, with 2 working as guides and one as a therapy dog (due to a bad hip he couldn't work as a guide).
My idea would be to educate the public regarding service dogs and encourage others to help in the raising process. Blindness, of any form, can either be crippling or liberating. Our lives have been blessed by regular interaction with people who have decided to take the step to freedom. Our eyes have been opened to new possibilities and we have stretched outside our comfort zone. If you meet a person with a service dog, speak to them, not the dog. Treat them as a person, not their "disease". Get to know them, you may meet a new best friend in the process. Encourage your children to not over react and if you are scared of dogs, be assured these are the most gentle of the gentle. You do not need to scream and make a fuss. You could possibly endanger a life.
Thanks for letting me share.
Check out the website: www.guidedogs.org
Etiquette and manors classes in schools. People have forgotten to say thank you, may I, please and you're welcome. Next, parenting "licensing". Too many children are dieing at the hands of their parents or relatives. In Minneapolis, a four year old boy dies while his aunt beats him to death and his younger cousins pin him down and watch. In Houston, Texas, a young Mother who did not want her baby, tossed it in the garbage instead of dropping it off at a local hospital with no quesions asked. The infant suffered severe brain injury an now lies in critical condition..
Why is it that we need a license to drive, hunt, fish, etc., but no license to have children? Our most precious of society is dumped, abused, etc every day in our wonderful country. In order to be a parent, people should have to go to mandatory parenting classes on care, raising, anger management, etc. When people are properly prepared to have children, only then will the abuse and death of our children drop. There are people who are having children who don't want them or cannot support them. How do we fix the problem of child maltreatment and abuse?
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